261 Fenwick Road, Giffnock, G46 6JX

Giffnock Dental
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Complaints Policy

Information for Patients

At Giffnock Village Dental Care (GVDC), we aim to provide the highest standard of care and treatment to our patients. We welcome feedback and comments about our services and are committed to addressing any concerns or complaints promptly, courteously, and efficiently.

We actively encourage patients to share their experiences with us and make it easy to provide feedback or raise a complaint. All feedback, including anonymous submissions, is taken seriously, and we use it to improve our services. Our procedures align with the NHS Scotland Complaints Procedure.

1. Responsibilities

The Feedback and Complaints Officer for Giffnock Village Dental Care is:

Lynsay Dickov
πŸ“ž 0141 638 5539
πŸ“§ [email protected]

Lynsay is responsible for managing feedback, comments, concerns, and complaints, ensuring they are handled efficiently and brought to resolution.

2. Providing Feedback, Comments, and Raising Concerns

We encourage you to share your thoughts on:

You can provide feedback by:

We review all feedback to enhance the services we provide.

3. Complaints About NHS Treatment

You may make a complaint about:

If your concern is not listed above, we still encourage you to raise it with us.

Complaints We Cannot Accept

We are unable to handle complaints if:

If another procedure is more suitable for addressing your concern, we will provide guidance on your options.

4. Time Limits for Making a Complaint

Normally, complaints must be made within six months of:

5. How to Make a Complaint

Complaints can be made in person, by phone, online, or in writing.

When making a complaint, please include:

You may make an anonymous complaint, but this may limit our ability to resolve the issue.

6. Confidentiality

7. Complaints Handling Procedure

We follow a two-stage complaints process:

Stage 1: Early Resolution

Stage 2: Investigation

We will conduct a detailed investigation if:

At Stage 2:

Our response will include:

8. Complaints on Behalf of Someone Else

You may complain on behalf of another person if:

9. Complaints About Private Treatment

Complaints regarding private dental treatment follow the same procedure. However, if you remain unsatisfied, you may contact the Dental Complaints Service (see Contacts section).

10. Contacts

Dental Complaints Service (for private treatment)

Stephenson House
2 Cherry Orchard Road, Croydon, CR0 6BA
πŸ“ž 08456 120 540 (Mon-Fri, 9 AM – 5 PM)
πŸ“§ [email protected]
πŸ”— www.dentalcomplaints.org.uk

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Feedback and Complaints Team

West Glasgow Ambulatory Care Hospital
Dalnair Street, Glasgow, G3 8SJ
πŸ“ž 0141 201 4500
πŸ“§ [email protected]

Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO)

4 Melville Street, Edinburgh, EH3 7NS
πŸ“ž 0800 377 7330
πŸ”— www.spso.org.uk